A New And Complete Disaster Preparedness Guide

(Rated 11 times)

At a glance..

If you're unprepared, disasters can quickly turn to tragedies for you and your loved ones. This disaster preparedness guide was written to help people like you by showing you how to deal with emergencies responsibly.

The details..

In 'How to Prepare for any Disaster', the Emergency Preparedness Center provides readers with an essential guide on what to do before, during, and after a disaster. The book emphasizes the importance of making preparations beforehand and offers practical advice on creating a disaster plan of action. It also includes information about controlling utilities in emergencies as well as preparing necessities such as first aid kits and emergency water supplies.

The second chapter focuses on taking appropriate actions before, during, and after different types of disasters such as acts of violence including nuclear or other wars; terrorism; riots; looting; bomb threats; hazardous chemical spills - accidental or intentional - earthquakes; extreme weather events like hurricanes, tornadoes, winter storms etc.; famine & plagues. Each section outlines steps that can be taken by individuals or families to minimize harm from these events.

Chapter three covers recovery strategies which include reducing anxiety levels through preparation ahead of time. Additionally it addresses ways adults can help children recover emotionally following traumatic experiences while offering suggestions for long-term preparedness planning around food storage programs (including priorities), water purification methods/storage amounts needed per person/per day) clothing options depending upon climate conditions where you live among others.

Finally Chapter four discusses alternative shelter arrangements if necessary due either natural calamities like floods or man-made ones such as war/terrorism attacks along with tips regarding finance management (cash reserves/documents/insurance policies), heating/lighting/fuel/cooking/sanitation needs.

Resource Info

Page count: 46
Size: 1397kb
File Type: pdf
Hits: 2
Wishlists: 1


Survival Skills
Defensive Skills
Environment Setting
Health and Fitness
Time Available
Finances Available